This British colonial government quarters, called Newlands, was once occupied by famous American writer, Agnes Newton Keith, who penned Land Below The Wind in 1939. The house became home to Agnes and her family, Henry (also referred to as Harry) George Keith, who was the Conservator of Forests and their son, George.
Today the house has turned into a heritage house, providing interesting insights to life during British North Borneo. It is furnished with a reproduction of colonial furniture and antiques. A gallery on the first floor tells the story of this remarkable woman, her books and her family.
"The new house is beautiful. Round trippers on world boats would come up to see it, carrying their cameras and calling, Why look!" (Agnes Keith, White Man Returns, 1951, p.87)
Today the house has turned into a heritage house, providing interesting insights to life during British North Borneo. It is furnished with a reproduction of colonial furniture and antiques. A gallery on the first floor tells the story of this remarkable woman, her books and her family.
"The new house is beautiful. Round trippers on world boats would come up to see it, carrying their cameras and calling, Why look!" (Agnes Keith, White Man Returns, 1951, p.87)
Opening Hours
Seven days a week (Monday - Sunday), from 9am to 5pm
Getting There
The Agnes Keith House is part of the Sandakan Heritage Trail. From Sandakan town, it is a 20-minute walk. You can also take a taxi.
Agnes Keith House