Bus is the most economic mode of transportation to travel between cities and towns, if time is not an issue for you. Listed below are the main bus stations of Kota Kinabalu city which can take you to most parts of Sabah.
North Bus Terminal Inanam
North Bus Terminal Inanam
The main station for long-distance bus (a.k.a. Express Bus), located in Inanam (10 KM away from KK) and operates between 6:30am to 8:30pm. These air-conditioned big buses can bring you to key cities on the East Coast such as Sandakan, Tawau, Semporna and Lahad Datu daily.
Padang Merdeka (Merdeka Field)
Located in KK city centre, take buses to most city/towns on the West Coast and Interior of Sabah. e.g. Keningau, Tenom, Kudat, Kota Belud, Ranau. There is a long-distance taxi station located next to the terminal.
Wawasan Bus Terminal
For all outstation mini busses from Papar, Penampang, Likas, Tuaran, Sepanggar etc.
City Bus Service
Located next to Wawasan Terminal, commutes within Kota Kinabalu city center.
City Park Bus Terminal
Located opposite of KK High Court building, this bus terminal offers transport to Southern Sabah (Sipitang), Sarawak (Lawas) and Brunei. Please bring your passport if you plan to travel across the border.